Hello everyone! It's a sunny and warm Saturday afternoon here in Boston. This morning I made an early start to scour my local charity shops for new treasures to bring to you. I've had my Etsy open for a while now, and I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself to anyone who happens to be looking at this blog so far (hello-oh-oh... Is anyone out there-er-er-er?).
My name is Kate, although if we want to get specific Kate is actually my middle name. I've always been called this, though I'm not sure why. My brother also goes by his middle name. I was named after Shakespeare's Kate in Taming of The Shrew. I never really believed that Kate was tamed in the end- the play is, after all, a farce. Reading her as a character that ultimately becomes submissive renders her far too tragic in my mind; instead I like to believe that Kate is merely playing placid in order to fool her husband, and will later use it to her advantage in securing dominance... Just sayin'!
I will soon have my BFA in photography and art history. To be blunt, I have no idea what lies ahead. I wish it were as straight forward as-- what was your major? Ok. Do that. But it's not, really. I am interested in a vast variety of fields, and I've got to test many waters before I figure out what is right for me. As many college seniors would agree, it is quite scary. One thing I do know is that I want to see more of the world- even if that only means exploring more of the U.S. until I am in the financial position to go back to Europe. When I studied abroad last spring in Paris, I was bit hard by the travel bug. Since then I've had an unbelievable itch for adventure. Having to sit very still and finish my senior thesis has thus proved to be incredibly tiresome and difficult.
I love, love, love thrift shopping- for clothing and for other odds and ends, too. Antique markets, second hand stores, yard sales, estate sales.. You'll always find me there! One might say I am addicted. Browsing through the racks and rummaging through boxes transports me to a calm, more lovely state of mind. I imagine that all things have a history; a story. Pasts are so important because they are so vital to informing our futures.
What else is there to know? I listen to Neil Young and prefer tea to coffee. I often wish for my very own Snorlax. I am scatterbrained. I am a worrier. My ideal day involves Goodwill, reading an unputdownable book, and laughing. I am a probably a movie snob. I could toss out a million more random facts, but this is getting long, so I'll spare you.
Portrait by Sam Rosenholtz.
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